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The origin of Ayurveda dates back to more than two thousand years ago. According to legend, Ayurvedism was the medical word of Hindu Brahmin or the ancient priests of India. Handed down from generation to generation, some twenty thousand recipes of the herbal remedies were systematically compiled and recorded on palm leaves by King Serfoji II of South India. Today, the great Ayurvedic manuscript is preserved in the Sarawati Mahal Library of Punjab, India, which is now a popular institution of research being frequented by herbalists and medical experts from various parts of the world.
Lion Best's Vitarite manufacturing plant in Malacca is built in collboration with the National Pharma of India. It will be producing Vitarite to cater for the local market and those of our neighboring countries. MR. L. Kamal Batcha, the founder of National Pharma which supplies the ingredients of Vitarite, is supervising its operation.The investment on this 5 acre factory totals RM6 million. Besides producing Vitarite,the factory is also planning to produce othe rhigh quality health products in order to widen the business opportunity for all distributors.Functionally, the strategic localization fo production will not only ensure quality processing and packaging, but also help enhance the efficiency in serving our distributors and customers.
Vetaite is formulated in accordance with an exclusive Ayurvedic preparation using rare precious herbs of Himalaya as ingedients. Mr. LKamal Barcha and his family has inherited the secrete recipe from their ancestors, and subsequently perfected the invigorating beverage basing on advaned technology and scientific research.
Many things which are treated as myths, have now become facts of science. To give a few examples, the circulation of blood described in Susruta Samhita (before 700 BC)was a myth till Harvey. The secretion of gastric juice and its role in the process of digestion as described in Caraka Samhita (before 700 BC) was a myth till Pavlov. The traditional practice of inoculation against smallpox (Masurika) was a myth till Edward Jenner. The description of plastic surgery in Susruta Samhita would have remained a myth but for its wide propagation and acceptance at present by the surgeons of the west.Utilisation of the traditional system of medicines such as Ayurveda for promotive, preventive and curative healthe services is being seriously considered in many parts of the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO), in one of their Resolutions, has emphasized the utilization of these traditional systems in the under-developed and developing countries. With the growing appreciation of the merit of the traditional systems withou paying any heed to their fundamental principles. Today, sudents and physicians of other systems, including modern medicines, travel to India to learn Ayurveda in universities of ancient medicine.
More Infomation, Please Contact: Albert Liew TEL: 6082-413246 H/P: 013-8029298
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In 1983, National Pharma won the International Asia Award for high quality herbal medicines. In 7/7/93, National Pharmal again won ``UDYDG GAURAV'' for high quality herbal medicines and research
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